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A tool that allows operators to monitor changes in web pages containing important information. Operators can define an interesting section of a web page through XPATH, and the application will perform daily parsing, showing the diffs when found.
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Applicazione web lato client per la gestione di dati, import e similarità. Utilizza il servizio fornito in opdm-service.
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Servizio API REST/Graphql che permette di accedere ai dati SQL sottostanti. Il servizio può funzionare da proxy per l'accesso ad altri storage (mongo/neo4j).
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A Django-based implementation of the OpenGovernment context, compliant with the Popolo data specifications.
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Porting dell'applicazione OpenBilanci, per gestire il nuovo formato dei bilanci armonizzati.
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Automatic text classification of the legislative corpus, extracted from openparlamento.
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Django application to monitor and manage long and/or recurring tasks, (through uWSGI).
This has been published on https://github.com/openpolis/django-uwsgi-taskmanager, all developments must be followed there.
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Versione 2019 di Centri d'Italia sull'accoglienza degli stranieri
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OpenCoesioni Territori service. Management of territori for the OpenCoesione application.
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This solution shows how to deploy a django app to a docker swarm using gitlab pipelines and exploiting Portainer’s webhooks feature.